Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Confused About Yeast Infections? These Tips Can Help

Yeast infections don't have to be your worst enemy. You might have one right now, and that has driven you to this article. Perhaps, you're trying to learn more to avoid having them in the future. In addition to prevention of a yeast infection, this article contains information on how to alleviate the symptoms associated with yeast infections. If you spend time in a pool or sauna, always remove your damp clothing when done. Damp clothing allows yeast to grow. Also, don't forget to dry your vaginal area after taking off your wet clothes. A lot of sweat makes for a warm, moist environment. This warm and humid environment is conducive to the development of yeast. Dress in clothing made from cotton, linen, silk and other natural materials. This fabric breathes and keeps sweat away from your body. Try to keep away from synthetics like Lycra, nylon or spandex. These trap humidity, heat and sweat. Steer clear of flashy undergarments as they can irritate your infection. Cotton panties keep the area dry, while other materials hold all of the moisture in. Yeast thrives in warm and moist conditions, so opt for cotton if you want to prevent yeast infections. Don't use a douche. You may feel that this helps to keep the area clean, but in actuality, the body already keeps itself in balance the natural way. By disrupting natural bacterial balance because of external reasons, you are going to make it more likely to have a yeast infection. It is enough to wash the area with mild soap and water. Avoid scented materials around the vaginal area. Scented soap and deodorants may result in irritation and may cause infections. This means only unscented products should be used. Avoid the dyes present in colored toiletry paper. If you are prone to develop yeast infections, avoid perfumed bath products and soaps. These products irritate the vagina, allowing yeast to grow and flourish in the environment. Be sure to avoid tampons and pads with scents too, as they will have the same negative impact on vaginal chemical balance. Now that you've come to the end of this article, you know how to manage a yeast infection. Whether you have had the experience of one or you have not, knowing a good bit about yeast infections is useful in many ways. Relate Post:

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