Tinnitus is a condition that causes ringing or noises in the ears, that can be temporary or constant. While the sensation itself is not painful, it can adversely affect your health when it interferes with your ability to sleep or concentrate. Keep reading for information on what causes tinnitus and things that you can do to deal with its symptoms. Avoid situations or places where you expect to encounter loud noises. Carry along a set of earplugs for those times you can't avoid being in a noisy situation. Loud noises are one of the main causes of tinnitus. To avoid making your tinnitus worse, you have to protect your ears from further damage. Also, do not participate in any activity that could cause your existing tinnitus to worsen. White noise machines used while sleeping can be helpful. The background noise reduces the tinnitus and helps you go to sleep. Some people experience worse symptoms because of white noise machines. You'll have to experiment and determine what works best for your specific needs. Implement a calming, relaxing routine that you perform before bed each night. A lot of people that have tinnitus have problems with falling or staying asleep. Create a routine which helps you to fall asleep every night. You may want to do some simple stretches, then spending a few minutes of breathing prior to climbing in your bed. This will relax you and can also bring down your blood pressure. If you have tinnitus, a smart first step is to visit a doctor and have your ears cleaned. When you have an excessive build up of wax in your ears, tinnitus can become worse and this can lead to cotton swabs compacting against one of your ear drums when used. Change your diet. Many tinnitus sufferers find significant relief with a few simple dietary changes. Some of the most common culprits include B vitamins, gingko biloba and caffeinated beverages like coffee and soda. Institute one change at a time, so that should you witness any changes to your condition, you'll have a good idea of what triggered the change. Tinnitus is not something that you have to live with. It is, however, possible to control tinnitus with a bit of time and effort. Try the tips provided in this article, and the relief you are seeking just might be found.
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